The Fox News frame
Today was a fascinating day to be a media watcher and scholar. As I tuned in most of the day to watch Fox News Channel’s wall-to-wall coverage of America’s Tea Party events all over the U.S., I found myself marveling in the role FNC was playing in this event.
At some point in the past month, FNC went from coverage to full-on promotion. In the past week they heavily promoted the live team coverage from tea party events from all over the U.S. As we got closer to today, more phrasings such as “come celebrate with us” came out of the mouths of FNC anchors.
It was clear as this thing went along that Fox News was going from news gatherer and broadcaster to a stakeholder in this nationwide event. I won’t debate the logic of the protest itself, but the event was pretty newsworthy on the whole. But as for Fox News’ behavior, I found myself thinking of what I teach my students. Straight from Kovach & Rosenstiel’s excellent The Elements Of Journalism: Read more
A lesson learned, hopefully
In case you missed Jon Stewart’s brilliant interview with CNBC’s Jim Cramer yesterday, I’ve embedded part of the clip above. But I would go to to see the and even to watch the full unedited interview, because it is a fascinating peek at what journalism sometimes is missing in financial coverage.
In case you’ve missed the news coverage this has gotten (CNN / NYT / WaPost), Stewart took Cramer to task for the fact that he and his network essentially cheered on a bubble built on working class dollars while hedge fund managers and Wall Street insiders cashed in.
If the pundits only focus on how entertaining this was (and it was entertaining), this is a missed opportunity. Stewart’s interview not only exposed the culture of CNBC’s reporting habits, which are filled with conflicts of interest, but also showed how it’s done in an era where expert pundits often are fresh off the payroll of the industry they’re covering. Read more